What does LIHEAP (Energy Assistance) do?
LIHEAP is a federally funded block grant that assists with winter heating costs associated with the primary source of heat in the household.
How will my application be completed?
There are no in-person options. An initial Intake Interview will occur over the phone on or before (up to 5 business days prior) your scheduled date and then subsequently finished through the mail. If we are unable to reach you by phone for your Intake Interview, a packet of information will be mailed to you containing instructions on how to proceed.
What type of documentation do I need to provide?
How often can I get LIHEAP (Energy Assistance)?
Once per heating season, if funding is available. A heating season runs October of one calendar year through September of the following calendar year. When each agency opens depends on when funding becomes available and they can run until funds are depleted.
Can I have someone represent me?
Yes. If they live in your home they must provide documentation which verifies their residence address. If they do not live in your home, please provide us with a signed statement which gives them permission to sign your application paperwork for you and discuss your application on your behalf. They must be able to answer questions about your household (for example: birthdates of everyone in the household, rent amount, etc.)
How is my energy grant calculated?
Your grant is based on many factors, such as: total household income (for the previous month from the date of application), the total number of people in the home, housing type and 12 months previous heat cost. The current amount you owe is not a determining factor for your grant.
Are subsidized households eligible?
Do I have to have a disconnect notice or a crisis situation?
No. However, if you are in a disconnect situation and/or without heat, please do one of the following:
  1. If you heat with electric, go to your heating vendor (Cowlitz or Wahkiakum PUD), get a 12-month billing history and bring it along with your disconnect notice to Lower Columbia CAP's Information Desk, after 10:00am, at 1526 Commerce Ave. Longview WA. Additional instructions will be provided at that time.
  2. If you heat with Cascade Natural Gas, bring your disconnect notice to Lower Columbia CAP's Information Desk, after 10:00am, at 1526 Commerce Ave Longview, WA. Additional instructions will be given at that time.
  3. If you heat with any other source, please call our office at 360-762-3100 for further instructions.
Can I use the online calendar to schedule for any other Lower Columbia CAP assistance programs?
No, you must call the CAP office at 360-425-3430 to obtain information on other programs that are available. You may only schedule a LIHEAP (Energy Assistance) Phone Intake Interview on this site.
What if I need assistance but do not reside in Cowlitz or Wahkiakum County?
See the Washington State LIHEAP website link in the upper right corner of the Introduction page.
What if I have Energy questions that are not answered on this website?
Call Lower Columbia CAP's Energy Department at 360-762-3100 or 360-425-3430 ext. 231. Due to exceedingly high call volume, please leave only one message.